Info & Booking: 0447 201 763
An Initial Vestibular Assessment is 90 mins long and consists of:
Neil brings everything he needs to perform the assessment to your home.
A vestibular review is 60 mins long and consists of:
Neil brings everything he needs to perform the review to your home.
Sydney Mobile Vertigo Clinic is based in Penshurst and the travel fee for each patient is based on the distance traveled.
We are a cashless business and do not accept cash.
We are a paperless business and provide electronic invoices and receipts.
Sydney Mobile Vertigo Clinic accepts Medicare Referrals from a GP prescribed Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan. These were formerly called Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Plans.
However, please note we are a Mixed Billing clinic, not a Bulk Billing clinic. This means there will be a gap fee for the difference between the appointment fee minus the rebate value ($60.35).
Please ensure your GP has provided you with the referral form (shown here) completed in its entirety including the number of physiotherapy services requested, the date, and a signature (highlighted in red). We recommend requesting 3-5 services for vestibular management. Patients must provide this completed form to Sydney Mobile Vertigo Clinic for a Medicare rebate to be processed.
To process a Medicare rebate, you will be charged the full consultation fee at your appointment and the Medicare rebate will be lodged for you on your behalf. Medicare will deposit the rebate value ($60.35) into your account within 1-2 days.
Please note, a patient must provide their Medicare number and Medicare Reference number in order for a claim to be processed. Having the physical card present is not necessary.
Please note, a Medicare rebate can not be used in combination with private health fund rebate.
For more information, please visit the Department of Health by clicking the link below:
Here's how it works:
Please note, if the patient does not have a smartphone then an electronic or paper invoice and be provided to the patient to claim from their healthcare fund individually.
Illawarra Vertigo Clinic has ceased offering services in the Illawarra but has relaunched to serve the Greater Sydney Area as the Sydney Mobile Vertigo Clinic.
Appointments in Sydney available Feb 1st, 2025!